best of best.

2012. 8. 12. 21:35- About

I want adventure in the great, wide somewhere.

I want it more than I can tell and for once it might be grand to have someone understand.

I want so much more than they've got planned.






Really best favorite animation, and extremely much saw ever since my birth.

I was saw animation till extend video tape. and now there is  the movie my notebook computer.

I really like a scene. He present a big library to Belle.
That is just what I have wished and dreamed for. Such as look chic!


I was not a childish notion, am I?







세상에서 손꼽히게 좋아하는 보름달.

세상에서 손꼽히게 좋아하는 우수수 떨어지는 비오는 날.

이십대, 청춘, 그리고 나의 꿈.

'- About' 카테고리의 다른 글

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